Thursday, May 8, 2008

Google Web Toolkit

Hey there, this post is not very concerning about the mobile. Well just another technology review for your reference.

I was just trying a new stuff called "Google Web Toolkit, GWT". Generally I hope all you guys know JavaScript which is bundled with all web right at the moment. Years ago, the fix web or static web that we were surfing is called Web 1.0 (I am not really sure about this term, now it is Web 2.0 and I think back then should be 1.0 isn't it)

The Web 2.0 platform consist of 2 big part, the "application feel" and its "searchable and distributable" criteria. The GWT is just a tool to help you deliver the "application feel" to the web user. It is such a luck for Java developers since the GWT can be written in Java and compile into JavaScript.

Finally, these are things that I have found
Fellin' good.
- The compiled JavaScript control the Back button to toggle between "state" not page
- Components and Widgets (e.g. data trees, suggestion) is looking great
Had hard time with
- Understanding the code, most of them require a very good Java experience
- I still confusing for how to get/post the data from the sleaky components

This is the first draft, just try it on [Link to PrachPage]