Sunday, October 26, 2008

Server Setting

Kratos [Root]
--> mobile
\ --> sample
\\ --> [ iPhone Web Apps ]
--> tester
--> aggregator
--> demo1

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Google Web Toolkit

Hey there, this post is not very concerning about the mobile. Well just another technology review for your reference.

I was just trying a new stuff called "Google Web Toolkit, GWT". Generally I hope all you guys know JavaScript which is bundled with all web right at the moment. Years ago, the fix web or static web that we were surfing is called Web 1.0 (I am not really sure about this term, now it is Web 2.0 and I think back then should be 1.0 isn't it)

The Web 2.0 platform consist of 2 big part, the "application feel" and its "searchable and distributable" criteria. The GWT is just a tool to help you deliver the "application feel" to the web user. It is such a luck for Java developers since the GWT can be written in Java and compile into JavaScript.

Finally, these are things that I have found
Fellin' good.
- The compiled JavaScript control the Back button to toggle between "state" not page
- Components and Widgets (e.g. data trees, suggestion) is looking great
Had hard time with
- Understanding the code, most of them require a very good Java experience
- I still confusing for how to get/post the data from the sleaky components

This is the first draft, just try it on [Link to PrachPage]

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


If you are the one involving web service/network programming or such a stuff. I believe you may ever heard the term "SOAP". What is SOAP? is my first question. After hanging out around the web, still, I am not understand what is it use for concretely. OK, let's borrow some word from our lovely Wikipedia

"SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over computer networks, normally using HTTP/HTTPS. SOAP forms the foundation layer of the web services protocol stack providing a basic messaging framework upon which abstract layers can be built."

Let's get a first look of SOAP's XML figure (courtesy of Sun Microsystems)

It is quite simple that SOAP is AKO XML message that the web service/client use to communicate each other.

On this step, I am just started to learn how to assemble data in to XML chunk. The next step is to write a client to request and decode that XML into readable information.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Japan's Mobile Phone Service Providers

In the states, no ones is hard to recognize the names Sprint, Verizon and T-mobile. In Japan, it is very sure that there are different companies running this kind of business. There are NTT DoCoMo, KDDI au and SoftBank.

By the record, NTT has the longest history in the communication service. They started as a government enterprise which included household telephone and internet services. The department that is in charge of the solely mobile service is called DoCoMo(*1) From the monthly market survey by D2 communication, DoCoMo has the most sharing percentage in the mobile service market. They tied their customer by giving 50% discount for 10-year-long subscribers and the contract can be linked among family members.

The second largest market sharer goes to KDDI. KDDI is also a rival to DoCoMo in many alike communication services (e.g. mobile, internet and telephone). KDDI use the mobile brand called "au" (pronounce by letters "ei-you" ) which always be promoted as "au by KDDI" in many commercial. The "au" mobile phone service is roughly cheaper than DoCoMo and they are giving a very low service rate for student *2.

The latest mobile service provider is SoftBank. Formerly SoftBank succeed the mobile service from Vodafone Japan (and before Vodafone Japan have overtaken J-Phone). On their release campaign, SoftBank presented low-cost phone and 0 yen monthly service charge for all internal calls. SoftBank begun tremendous marketing campaign by hiring Holywood superstars "Cameron Diaz" and "Brad Pitt" as their presenters. They are also beginning to sell "Disney" mobile phone which customer can choose their e-mail address with "". Personally, I believe that SoftBank are targeting teenager customer and students. Recently my roommate just changed his mobile phone from au to SoftBank with unconditional student discount and very cutting-edge phone model.

The Japanese mobile phone service market is in a very its full growth. The market plan is just to take other company's subscribers to change their provider and stay at the new one as long as possible. SoftBank and au give big discount for 2-year service contract. Conversingly, DoCoMo which are the most expensive continue to give the 50% discount to former customers and their family.

So ... do you know which provider I am using ? Just make some guess and go to see the answer in the later post. Next, I will give a developer perspective for each company.

*1 in Japanese "doko" means "where" and "mo" is an auxiliary word which often used when the sentence means "all". So that's it everywhere in a preppy tongue.

*2 au holds 2 service channels which are CDMA 1X and CDMA 1X WIN. The phone model for each service are also different. You will get a crappy phone for the CDMA 1X. Ironically, WIN's phones are very stylish. Students have to subscribe for the CDMA 1X to have their student discount which means junk phone and slow connection for academic money saver.

S60 platform

Nokia is the one of major mobile phone vendor across the globe. BUT... not in Japan. The huge name like Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba and even Casio just don't let Nokia go "big" in this country.

Some of you may have heard the word "Symbian" which is a name of mobile phone operating system (e.g. Windows XP for PC or Mac OS X for Mac) designed exclusively for Nokia. Technically, the term S60 is derived from Symbian 60 or Nokia Series 60 is unknown but the first one sounds more official.

For the mobile user, it may be a bit WOW for them since Nokia and their stuff have already been on the map. I guess that the poor tasks are loaded on the developers since they will surely have a hard time with programming unusual C++ on the platform and besides, their program will not be working on Motorola or Blackberry.

In Japan, it is hard to find a Symbian's developer since Nokia only available for SoftBank subscriber (other major mobile service provider are NTT DoCoMo and KDDI au). Next I will write about these 3 mobile service provider and their "rival" campaign toward others.

Reference :

To mobile reader out there!!

Hi there, my name is Prach CHAISATIEN, a graduate student at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. I am currently researching about the mobile web service and the concerning area. Finally, I, have create a blog to "mesh" as much news and report about mobile phone. Roughly speaking, this will be the place that I will use to practice my English literature skill as well as finding references for my research paper. The writing style will not be draggy academic but instead common word for the one who are seeking light for their interest.

Once and for all, about my name, it can be pronounced "prush" like "crush" or "brush" but the correct romanized with "a" is better. I do not have very long last name as all others Thais have (you may wonder how many "A" can be found on Thai last name) my last name can be divided into 3 syllable (or speech sound) CHAI-SA-TIEN. CHAI is like when you say the country name "CHI"NA. The SA and TIEN can be wrap together like "stick" "spy". It is hard to find a equal word for it but I think is could be a person name EIAN but with T (much like TIAN). If it is still hard for you to understand here is the summary

Chaisatien = CHI-S-TIAN (CHI from CHINA + S + TIAN like a name EIAN)

Now you know it !!